As things start to go back to normal, I had forgotten that I had made a wrap for the Radiomaster T16S. As time went by I never clued in that I wasn’t selling any until someone messaged me and asked for one. Huge mistake on my part but the item has been combined with the Jumper Wraps as the template only changed slightly for Radiomaster. You should be able to use the Jumper T16 video for both Transmitters. Apologies for the oversight.
DJI Combo, I made a wrap and felt that too many people were breaking the drone so I scrapped the Drone wraps as my wrap tends to overlap for best coverage. This would have made it difficult for the customer to salvage or take only part of the wrap-off. I do have the goggle wrap that works for V1 and V2 Same Template. As for the Transmitter, I just haven’t had the time to upload it to the site, it is also one that I question and feel might be too hard to put on for the regular Joe, the goal was to make it at least 80% coverage. I have accomplished this task but again is it too hard for the average joe to install? I will make a video, footage has been taken just not put together and narrated. When I release the video and product you can decide if you want to give it a try.
Also, I’ve noticed a fair bit of competition popping off with DJI Wraps and it’s been good for business here. What I want people to know is that nxgraphics is a one-man operation and I cannot compete with Decal Girl, I won’t have a race to the bottom, they have some nice items at really low pricing. I sell 80-90% full-coverage wraps vs semi-half wraps. The market has room for everyone and wanted to say thank you to the customers that continue to support my one-man opperation.

One more thing, I have seen some really nice DJI goggle wraps that are one piece and require you to stretch the sticker on. I am certain that your wrap will lift over time, especially in warm weather as you can’t just pull and stretch a sticker onto a complex item like the DJI Goggle. The idea is great but short-term at best.